Friday, July 31, 2009

Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier

B / 3.55
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | drink: 3.5

Temp served cool
From bottle to a glass

Appearance: A nice smooth pour which produces a thin ¼ inch white head that fades fairly quickly. There are several streams of carbonation, and the brew itself is a beautiful dark gold. As I looked at the color I noticed that it was cloudy as per the beer style but it wasn't an even cloud, in fact it seemed that the cloudiness was produced by a lot of particulate. The head dissipates to a thin ring but leaves a light lacing on the glass.

Smell: The first thing I noticed was a sweet floral scent evenly balanced with the hop spice, there was also some light hints of citrus that smelled more of orange peel, and I could smell some other spices in the brew that were not hops, but they balanced well with the hops but on the sweeter spice of things. I don't specifically smell blackberries but they might be part of the sweetness and the floral scent that I noticed first. There was also no alcohol smell.

Taste: This is a light tasting mildly hoppy light bodied brew, the spices are abundant but are not offensive. I notice some sweetness on my tongue but it is layered under the spice, the finish is a bittersweet refreshing flavor that lingers for a few moments on the palate. There is no wonder that this is considered a summer time brew. In that the flavor is light and refreshing while still complex enough so that your mouth doesn't get bored when drinking.

Mouthfeel: Clean, sharp with a dry finish; the moderate carbonation fizzes a bit on the tongue but does not distract. The feeling is thin but not really watery which feels crisp and pleasant. I could not feel any of the particulate that I saw in the brew.

Drinkability: This is an extremely drinkable brew, it is light but not watery, the taste is fresh and clean the sweetness offsets the mild bitterness allowing this brew to go down easy. The carbonation does cause some minor bloating and the bitterness hangs for a moment but those are minor issues of dislike for myself. This is a nice light bodied brew without being a light beer, and I could easily see this being an afternoon Bar-B-Q session beer.

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